2013 -
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
Note: links (over 500) are not maintained and may not work.
- Hotlink for 3 January to 10 January, 1999
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working
together to study and understand the global environment. Students and
teachers from over 6,000 schools in more than 70 countries are working
with research scientists to learn more about our planet. GLOBE students
make environmental observations at or near their schools and report their
data through the Internet. Scientists use the data and report back on the
- Hotlink for 10 January to 17 January, 1999
Online Library
The complete archive of web pages designed for NOVA to go along with
individual shows. Even if you aren't using the specific shows with your
students, the pages are great resources of information, help, and links.
The archive is sorted by subject: social sciences, physical sciences, life
sciences, general, and earth science. One page I particularly like at
this site is Nature's Time Machine , a look at the things we can learn from the
Ice Caps of The Arctic and Antarctic.
- Hotlink for 17 January to 24 January, 1999
The National Atlas Of
The is the digital version of the US National Atlas, and contains a
powerful online mapping tool as well as digital data available for
download in various formats. The U.S. Geological Survey and its partners
began work on The National Atlas of the United States of America in 1997.
It is designed to promote greater geographic awareness through the
development and delivery of products that provide easy to use, map-like
views of our natural and socio-cultural landscapes; as an essential
reference; as a framework for information discovery; as an instrument of
education; as an aid in research; and as an accurate and reliable source
for scientific and geographic information.
- Hotlink for 24 January to 31 January, 1999
An impressive smorgasbord of information. The Geographia Web site
used to be called InterKnowledge. Each part of this Web site is a complete
unit, categorized by continent. The restructuring of the site can be a
little confusing, because most of the pages have differing navigation
tools and menus. However, navigation within each unit is fairly simple. A
few of the sections have sound and movie files. Users will find immense
amounts of information on a number of countries and places.
- Hotlink for 31 January to 7 February, 1999
Of The
World's Animals
Pick an animal, and see what it says in over 30 languages, from
Afrikaans to Vietnamese. Frogs say "kva-kva" in Russian, while in Swedish
they say "kvack"; in Albanian, dogs say "ham-ham", while in Icelandic they
say "voff". Very interesting, and great fun.
- Hotlink for 7 to 14 February, 1999
Six Billion Humans
A remarkable website, at the "Musee De L'Homme" in Paris. I am very
reluctant to list sites that require certain software to enjoy, but this
is both a powerful demographic presentation and also an excellent example
of how the latest web technology (java, flash, shockwave) can be used to
develop informative and interactive websites. The main topic here is
population growth, with projections, discussions of related problems, etc.
- Hotlink for 14 to 21 February, 1999
A recent email from Belgium asked me about how many
wars there are going on in the world at the moment. In searching for an
answer to the query, I found this site. It is at the Canadian Forces
College, and uses both maps and text to locate and explain current,
on-going conflicts around the world. A huge amount of information on wars,
but also a large collection of links to other sources of international
information of all kinds.
- Hotlink for 21 to 28 February, 1999
Our Changing
The mission of Public Science Day is to raise public awareness about
the importance of science education. This year's theme: Our Changing
Earth. During the 1998-1999 school year, teams across the United States
are investigating earth science topics in their communities. Each team
consists of an informal science institution, like a science center or
museum, and nearby schools. The teams are sharing their ideas and results
so that everyone can learn together. The world wide web makes this
national collaboration possible. The teams are using the web to access
science resources, communicate with scientists and each other, and to work
- Hotlink for 28 February to 7 March, 1999
Where The Wild
Things Are
The Librarians at St. Ambrose University have
designed a superior website for reference and research. An almost
inexhaustible array of links and connections to equally worthy
sites.Particularly good links to online reference books and other
reference desks may be found here, as well as new site announcement and
review services.
- Hotlinks for 7 to 14 March, 1999
Geographic Name Server
at MIT
Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Astrological Time
Zone and Geographic
Unfortunately, the old telnet-based GNS at MIT died sometime last
year; there is now a web-based version of the GNS, but its database hasn't
been updated in a while. The Getty GNS is a very powerful and detailed
server, that usually gives me a lot more information than I'm looking for;
the one at astro.ch is a happy medium (which may be an appropriate phrase
when dealing with astrology
- Hotlink for 14 to 21 March, 1999
Kids' World At
The Peace Corps
The Peace Corps has launched a new web site for kids as part of this
year's Peace Corps Day - a celebration of their 38th birthday. Called
"Kids World," the site expands the content of the Peace Corps' current Web
site. It's designed for children in middle school, but also features
activities for children in elementary school. It has articles, graphics,
and games designed to educate and entertain children about world geography
and the cultures of other countries. Kids of all ages can send electronic
postcards, read folk tales from around the world, download coloring pages,
and test their geography savvy with an interactive flash game. In
addition, the children's section reinforces the importance of service, and
how young people can make a difference in the lives of other people
through service and volunteerism.
- Hotlink for 21 to 28 March, 1999
- There used to be two good sources for
speedy, and reasonably reliable, translations between English, French, Chinese,
$ just one, google translate; Babelfish is gone, and the link above explains why. You can
understand just how limited these translations are by translating a passage from English
to Spanish (for instance) and then translating it back. It never works seamlessly, but
even so, the translation are passable, and can be understood by native speakers of the
other language. My favorite use of these is to translate a website, such as
mapping.com, into other languages. Useful, entertaining, fun.
(Hint for a few minutes fun: take an old axiom, such as "A penny saved is a penny
earned" and translate it into each of the languages available, then back to English,
then on to the next language, etc. See what it looks like when it's gone out and back 5
- Hotlink for 28 March to 4 April 1999
The First Grade Backpack
A really nice collection of links for lower elementary students; good
age-appropiate educational links for young students can be hard to find,
but at this geocities site, some effort has been taken to make sure that
the sites linked are interesting and useful. There are four main
sections: reading, geography, arithmetic, and animals, plus a variety of
other links and activities listed as "more cool sites".
- Hotlink for 4 to 11 April, 1999
The Gateway to
An extensive resource of lesson plans, curriculum materials, and
links to other education-related sites. You can link directly to other
sites, or you can browse by subject or keyword, find topics of interest,
choose a lesson, and then use the retrieved record to link to its original
internet source. In mid-March, there were close to 5,000 resources listed
and linked.
- Hotlink for 11 to 18 April, 1999
The BBC has put together a dandy site, with information on their
programming and frequency quides, plus all sorts of special-interest areas
on News, Education, etc. The education section includes a comprehensive
collection of links to useful educational Web sites. The sites are grouped
by subject, or you can search for specific keywords. Each site listed
includes brief notes on how to integrate it into an educational
environment - either in the school or in the home.
- Hotlink for 18 to 25 April, 1999
UT International
Network Information
The objective of International Network Information Systems at the
University of Texas is to provide users with access to international
academic databases and information services worldwide, and to provide area
studies scholars around the world with access to information on and from
the regions covered by different Centers. The network includes: The Asian
Network Information Center (ASNIC); the Latin American Network Information
Center (LANIC); The Middle East Network Information Center (MENIC); and
The Russian and East European Network Information Center (REENIC). Each
Center provides its own set of very extensive and valuable links.
- Hotlink for 25 April to 2 May, 1999
Learning Web at the
The United States Geological Survey has put together a very
interesting and useful education area on their web site. There are links,
lesson plans, and activity ideas under several main headings including
Global Change, Working with Maps, and Earth Science. There are
downloadable maps, links to other geography and geology-related sites, and
lots of information. The USGS site also provides pages of information
about earthquakes, faults, volcanoes, and more K-12 earth science fun
- Hotlink for 2 to 9 May, 1999
3-D Atlas Online
A site that offers a very rich array of information and links.
Topics include a "Countries of the World" index, a Geographic Glossary,
links to maps of countries and regions, an "Educators' Area" with links of
educational value, and more. For me, the most valuable aspect of this
site is "Countries Of The World" -- many of the listed "countries" are
not recognized independent states (Wales, Alderney, etc.), but each link
provides a paragraphh of general information and then several hyperlinks
to resources on the WWW.
- Hotlink for 9 to 16 May, 1999
Office "Other Sites" page
From here, you can go "home" to the main UK weather page, or link to
dozens of other national and commercial weather sites, including the
government weather sites for Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, Chile,
Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary,
Indonesia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Singapore, South
Africa, Switzerland, USA, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
- Hotlink for 16 to 23 May, 1999
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
A remarkable index and guide that links to thousands of Francophone
sites: French language sites and French educational sites. Compiled by
Bob Peckham of the University of Tennessee at Martin. If you have an
interest in anything Francophone, countries, cultures, people, sites, or
whatever, you're sure to find something here of interest.
- Hotlink for 23 to 30 May, 1999
Greenland Guide
Greenland Guide is edited and published on the World Wide Web by
Greenland Tourism a/s, the national tourist board of Greenland, and
Pegasus Press with the aim of providing an informative and comprehensive
source to visiting Greenland. Private companies and public institutions in
Greenland or related to Greenland contribute to Greenland Guide with
additional information published in sections that clearly differs in
layout. Nice photos, useful information.
- Hotlink for 30 May to 6 June, 1999
The "Swimming With Dragons" Site
This is a lovely site; it is part of the celebration of the Centenary
of Suffrage in Western Australia, and has been designed to recognize the
achievements of Women in Science in Western Australia and to encourage
more young women to take up the challenge of science. There is lots of
information about individuals -- you can even search for individuals who
match fields you're interested in, or whose personalities are like yours.
There are also some very useful links -- to Western Australia
Institutions, to National Institutions, and to other interesting sites,
such as 4000 years of women in science, the Association for Women in
Science, Euroscience, the International Network of Women in
Technology, Women in Cable & Telecommunications, and Women of NASA
- Hotlink for 6 to 13 June, 1999
NASA Spacelink
Educational Products
NASA Spacelink is one of NASA's electronic resources specifically
developed for the education community. There are tremendous resources,
links, and all sorts of useful information. In particular, you may wish to
join the NASA Spacelink EXPRESS mailing list to receive announcements of
new NASA materials and opportunities for educators.
- Hotlinks for 13 to 20 June, 1999
World Time World Clock
Two of the many "world time" sites; the first site, Isbister's World
Time Zone Site in Texas, offers a large selection of cities, and some
interesting detail; the second, a Norwegian site, has a generalized list
of world cities, with the option of selecting detailed lists by continent,
or of setting up your own handy clock, or of letting you plan
international meetings - enter up to four locations around the world, and
it shows you the times in all those places next to one another, letting
you plan a meeting that's best for all involved.
- Hotlinks for 20 to 27 June, 1999
The Weather
Two weather sites. The first one, "Weather", is inspired by programs
from Planet Earth, a video series in the Annenberg/CPB Multimedia
Collection. At this site, students can explore the forces behind the
weather, try their hand at tornado chasing, or discover how wind chill
works. Hands-on activities include topics such as the atmosphere, the
water cycle, ice and snow, and forecasting. The other site is The Weather
Underground site, where you can check present, historic, and future
weather all over the world, and learn all there is to know about the
- Hotlink for 27 June to 4 July, 1999
Middle School Web
The Middleweb site is a very comprehensive site about middle-level
education. Besides links to other useful sites, and a huge archive of
useful tips and ideas from teachers, there are also the following areas:
Assessment and evaluation; Curriculum and instruction; The nuts and bolts
Parents and the public; Principal professional development; School
leadership; Standards-based school reform; Student and school life;
Teacher professional development; Teachers at work
- Hotlink for 4 to 11 July, 1999
Lesson Plans
Not the most well-organized site on the web, or the most
comprehensive, but a very long and useful list of links related to
education -- the links include everything from Kathy Schrock's marvelous
index to sites for cheerleaders. You can add your own choices of sites as
well. The backlink is an
archive of lesson plans in a variety of disciplines.
- Hotlink for 11 to 18 July, 1999
The USGS has expanded the ebook "Earthshots: Satellite Images of
Environmental Change". Earthshots now tells 29 stories of landscape
change around the world, based on before-and-after Landsat images from the
national Landsat archive, showing recent environmental events and
introducing remote sensing. Earthshots comes from the U.S. Geological
Survey's EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls S.D., the world's largest archive
of earth science data and the official National Satellite Land Remote
Sensing Data Archive.
- Hotlink for 18 to 25 July, 1999
A Canadian quarterly web magazine, with a vast number of tips, some
very useful, about traveling. While aimed mainly at the single woman
traveler, everybody who travels can find something useful here. The index
includes: gal-friendly city sites, go-alone travel tips, love stories,
travel classifieds, journey doctor, women's travel tales, what should I
wear, letters to the editor, the older adventuress, travel 101, women
helping women travel, her spa stop, her ecoadventures, best books, and ms.
- Hotlink for 25 July to 1 August, 1999
PopNet is a resource and gateway for population information. With
PopNet, you can search the most comprehensive directory of
population-related web sites available--by topic or keyword, by
organization, or through PopNet's clickable world map. Most amazing is the
33 pages of links to other population resources around the world. PopNet
presents information on population topics such as Demographic Statistics,
Economics, Education, Environment, Gender, Policy and Reproductive Health.
Its resources include web sites produced by Government and International
Organizations, Non-governmental Organizations, University Centers, and
Associations and Listserves.
- Hotlink for 1 to 8 August, 1999
UK Foreign & Commonwealth
As with the State Department site in the US, the UK's FCO site
provides a wealth of information for travelers, and for anyone interested
in the rest of the world. Among other things, there is a list, with
links, to all the British diplomatic missions worldwide, and a very, very
useful collection of links to international sites.
- Hotlink for 8 to 15 August, 1999
A very useful page, part of the UN CyberSchoolBus site, InfoNation is
an easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the
most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United
Nations. In the first menu, you can select several countries. Then, you
can proceed to the data menu where you select statistics and other data
fields. Finally, the server will give you comparative data for the
countries you've chosen. Compare the populations and area of Ghana and
Guatemala in a few key strokes.
- Hotlink for 15 to 22 August, 1999
GEOSOURCE, is a general geography/geoscience directory which offers
well maintained listings of over 2550 web resources, among which are over
1000 academic journal sites, almost 400 recent and forthcoming conferences
(probably the web's largest and most up to date collection of
geo-conferences), hundreds of national and international professional
geo-organizations, and a comprehensive listing of national statistical
agencies worldwide and much more. This site is developed and maintained
by the reference librarian and map curator of the library of the Faculty
of Geographical Sciences of Utrecht University, The Netherlands and is
updated four times a week.
- Hotlink for 22 to 29 August, 1999
The Hunger Site
A proprietary website that is also helping the world's hungry.
Visitors to the Hunger Site help starving people in the developing world,
without it costing them a penny. When you log on to The Hunger Site's
website, the first thing you see is a map of the world. Every few seconds,
one of the countries lights up to show that someone there has died of
hunger. Below the map is a button. Click on it and a donation is made to
an aid agency, not by yourself, but by a corporate sponsor. According to
the BBC, where I first heard of this site, a man named Alan Martin, who
investigates charities for potential fraud, says that "in this case, all
the right safeguards are there."
- Hotlinks for 29 August to 5 September, 1999
It's the peak of Northern-Hemisphere Summer, and so here's a
selection of global surfing sites -- primarily here for their "surfcams",
which give visitors a view of ocean conditions all over the world. The
first link is fun, but the other two provide vast selections of links,
allowing "travel" from NJ to Brazil to the UK to Australia and New
Zealand. The third site is much more than a library of surfcam sites,
though. It has worldwide links for: equipment, magazines, weather, surfer
resources (some very useful guides can be found off this page), and lists
of other surfing links grouped by geographical location.
- Hotlink for 5 to 12 September, 1999
of the
From Adana to Zurich, this site has maps of subways and other public
transportation for just about every city you can think of. In addition to
maps, there are links to each city's official public transportation page
(where available). For example, the link for Boston brings you to the
MBTA page. There is also an archives section where you can see what the
various systems looked like in yesteryear. Additionally, there are tons
of links for general resources from Amtrak to ScotRail.
- Hotlink for 12 to 19 September, 1999
One section of the splendid global schoolhouse site. First, you
register your school to play the GeoGame. To play a GeoGame, you and your
students then select one or more of the current games in our databases.
Then your students, with help from maps, atlases, and other reference
materials, match the description of each location in the game with the
name of the corresponding city. After the students have decided the
answers to the game, you enter your answers into the form at the top of
the game page. If all of your answers are correct a certificate will be
presented to print out and post on your bulletin board. Be sure to check
the global schoolhouse backlink for more
resources and ideas.
- Hotlink for 19 to 26 September, 1999
"countries information" page at yahoo
From the Yahoo.com index. A list of 193 countries -- with
subdirectories of links for each one. Whatever you want to know about any
particular country can probably be found here. Additionally, you'll find
links to other web directories, to the Infonation statistical database, to
ABCNEWS.com: Country Profiles, to the CIA World Factbook, to the State
Department listing of Independent States in the World, to National
Geographic's Map Machine with downloadable political and physical maps,
and a number of other geographical resources.
- Hotlink for 26 September to 3 October, 1999
A teacher in British Columbia set up and maintains this site; it is a
storehouse of useful and interesting activities and links. There are
activities, lesson plans, links to all sorts of geographic sites, and
newsletters, for teachers and for students, that highlight and provide
links to the weeks top geo-news.
- Hotlink for 3 to 10 October, 1999
Wildlife Fund
WWF is one of the world's best-known and most effective conservation
organizations; their web site explains their mission in great detail, and
also includes information on continuing efforts all over the world,
including the Congo Basin rain forests, the Lakes of the Rift Valley, East
African marine ecosystems, Madagascar's Dry Forest and Spiny Desert, the
eastern Himalayas, the Tibetan plateau,the forests of the lower Mekong,
the Mesoamerican Caribbean reef, and many, many more locations. Excellent
material and links for teachers and students.
- Hotlink for 10 to 17 October, 1999
A very detailed and fascinating Himalaya site; you can take a visual
tour of the mountains, identify the different peaks, read about the
world's highest junkyard, follow links to country information on all the
countries of the Himalaya: Burma (Myanmar), India, Bhutan, Nepal,
Tibet & China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. There are many marvelous photos
as well.
- Hotlink for 17 to 24 October, 1999
Voyaging Society
A site dedicated to the voyages of the earliest Pacific Islanders.
Follow the route of the Society's latest expedition -- Hokule'a departed
from Hilo, Hawai'i, on June 15, 1999, bound for Rapa Nui (formerly Easter
Island) via the Marquesas Islands and Mangareva. Or view maps and read
about the hypotheses concerning the earliest voyages. There are lesson
plans, photos, maps, and tremendous historical resources available.
- Hotlink for 24 to 31 October, 1999
- Gulf Site at
This is a very comprehensive collection of news, background and
research data on the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia. The NEWS section
contains links to major news sources, there's a thoughtful selection of
specialized resources in the REFERENCE section, there are maps,
interesting links, and other useful areas of this website.
- Hotlink for 31 October to 7 November, 1999
Names Server
So, you've heard the name of a region of Russia, let's say something
like Bashkortostan, and you want to know if its an oblast, a republic, an
autonomous okrug, a kray, a city, or an autonomous oblast (Bashkortostan
is a republic, by the way). Well, there's only one place to look -- the
NIMA GeoNET names server, which lists all the countries recognized by the
US (and more), and lists their principal subdivisions. Even if you're not
looking up a particular locale, this is a fascinating place to linger and
- Hotlink for 7 to 14 November, 1999
- http://www.kropla.com/
A Texan named Steve Kropla maintains this site, which is an incredibly
comprehensive listing of worldwide electrical and telephone information;
if you're taking your computer to Papua New Guinea, or want to plug in
your hair dryer in Mali, this site will tell you how. Also, there is a
listing of "handy travel links" that is worth visiting.
- Hotlink for 14 to 21 November, 1999
- The Holiday and
Festival Site
According to the man in Lebanon who built and maintains this site,
"Have you ever travelled, perhaps on business, only to find on arrival
that your customers are all on holiday or that instead of five days work,
you will, due to National day or religious celebrations, get only two? I
have, and it's very frustrating, so I decided to try to put together a
page to bring together as much information about National holidays as
possible". He has done a comprehensive and informative job.
- Hotlink for 21 to 28 November, 1999
- About India
An extensive factual site about India; subdirectories include India's
Origin, Heritage and Culture, States and Union Territories, Demographics,
Government, and more, including a link to the comprehensive India Darshan News
Site which
allows you to select from several Indian dailies.
- Hotlink for 28 November to 5 December, 1999
- The High Point Public
Not the best library site on the WWW, or the most extensive set of
links, but an excellent, comprehensive, interesting site with something
for everyone -- links for teachers, a safe area for kids, searches for
books by author, translations into many languages, etc. Worth a visit.
- Hotlink for 5 to 12 December, 1999
- Consular
Affairs Bureau, Canada
Like the US State Department http://travel.state.gov/,
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs http://www.dfat.gov.au/consular/advice/ and the Foreign And
Commonwealth Office in the UK http://www.fco.gov.uk/,
the Consular
Affairs Bureau of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade (DFAIT) provides country-specific travel reports,
warnings, and various other information sheets. If you're planning to
travel, it's not a bad idea to check them all.
- Hotlink for 12 to 19 December, 1999
- The
Invisible Web
Gary Price, of George Washington University, tracks what he calls the
"Invisible Web", which is the part of cyberspace that's inaccessible to
search engines, but is still searchable - if you know where to find the
gateways. See how to access databases that have their own search engines
and tools. While general search tools are essential for retrieval of
Internet materials, many users do not realize that large amounts of
information can not be easily searched via the major search and indexing
tools because of their structures or locations.
- Hotlink for 19 to 26 December, 1999
- The NOAA Photo
This is the NOAA photograph and image collection, which has been
produced to help those interested in studying our natural world learn more
about our oceans, the atmosphere, and the history of the pioneers who
began the study of our environment in the United States. Presently there
are approximately 10,000 digitized images on this site - and this number
will continue to grow! There are stunning photos of coastlines, sunrises,
all sorts of weather-related events, and more. Also has a very complete
index for browsing, and a search routine for finding just the image you
- Hotlinks for 26 December, 1999 to 2 January,2000
World Time and Calendar Sites
- World
- World
- US
Naval Observatory
Time Site
- Worldtime
Interactive Atlas
- Calendar Home
- The Geological Time Machine at UC Berkeley
What could be more appropriate for the Millennial New Year's Weekend
than a selection of time and date sites! Check your watch; read about why
the year 2000 is a leap year while 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not; figure
out who really sees the new millennium first; and, at the Berkeley site,
learn about time on a vast scale.
2013 -
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
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