Compiled from FAA,
CAA, IATA, OAG, and other sources
Last Updates: 17 Nov, 2023 (Updated 25TX to new airport)
Total in Database: 36,978 Locations (496 IATA/FAA codes represent two locations)
The Database By Any Field
- The complete list of around 37,000 facilities and
codes is available
in two ways. For no cost at all, use the form just above to search the
database for the codes, cities, airports, states, or countries you are
interested in.
- To purchase the database: I make the database
available as a
comma-delimited flat file for a one-time subscription payment of $50
USD. The database is made up of 6 columns -- ICAO codes, IATA codes,
cities, states/provinces, airport names, countries. Lat/Long is not
included. To view a 23-line sample, click here. If you are
interested in subscribing to the full database as a database, then email me for information.
- As soon as I receive your email, I will send you
a link to a full
page of information for ordering through paypal.
- Note: does not assert any copyright
or claim to this
data; we have acted to retrieve this information entirely from public
sites and sources believed to be reliable, but accept no liability for
the accuracy of the source information or of the data published
- Also Note: The fee for the "big" database is a
subscription, and
your single payment of the fee of $50 will give you access to the csv
file for as long as it is up and running.
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