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Note: links (over 500) are not maintained and may not work.
Hotlink for 5 January 1997 to 12 January 1997: The Mathematics of Maps
Cool maps, detailed explanations, questions & answers
Also, lots of links to other map-related sites.
Hotlink for 12 January 1997 to 19 January
1997: Gateway To Antarctica
A comprehensive South Polar Site, with information on
Environment, Education, Science, Antarctic News, History,
The Antarctic Treaty, Tourism,and the Logistics of life
on the Antarctic Continent, as well as lots of photos.
Hotlink for 19 January 1997 to 26 January 1997: Lonely Planet Guides
Based in Australia, this commercial site gives you a place
to buy all the Lonely Planet Guidebooks (arguably the best
in the world); also all sorts of country information, health
on the road, recent updates from travelers, etc.
Hotlink for 26 January 1997 to 2 February 1997: Charles Stuart University
A university site in New South Wales with great resources
relative to geography. Education in Australia, maps-on-demand,
Guide to Australia, What's New, etc. Also, of course, the
usual information on the University's programs & people
Hotlink for 2 February 1997 to 9 February 1997: Belarus
A site maintained by a Belarus native working in the US.
Links to all sorts of information on Belarus, including
maps, history, tourism, climate and weather, etc.
Also many very userful genealogical links.
Hotlink for 9 February 1997 to 16 February
1997: Mysterious Places
"Explore Ancient Civilizations and Sacred Sites"
Information on Easter Island, Chichen Itza, Stonehenge,
Ancient Americans, Ancient Egypt, etc.
Also a remarkable number of links to "other mysterious places"
Special Hotlink This Week Only: Carnival In Rio
Everything you want or need to know about Carnaval (yes, that's
the spelling in Portuguese). There is a link to a basic phrase
book of Portuguese, guides to local activities, addresses and
phone numbers, and some risque stories of bygone Carnavals.
Link may not work outside of Carnaval Week.
Hotlink for 16 February 1997 to 23 February 1997: Sudan
The independent Sudan Home Page.
Background information about Sudan, reviews of current
events and developments, news, etc.
Many links to other relevant sources of information.
Hotlink for 23 February 1997 to 2 March 1997: Weather Images
Cool weather site. All kinds of weather information
and images, PLUS links to other weather services'
forecasts for the same place.
Hotlink for 2 March to 9 March, 1997: Travel Health
Travel Information from the Center for Disease Control
in Atlanta. Health recommendations, the spread of diseases,
immunizations, etc.
Hotlink for 9 March to 16 March, 1997: Africa Site at U. Penn
Country-Specific pages, links, maps, and news about over
Fifty countries, plus lots of other information.
A valuable resource for African and African-American Info.
Note html error in EVERY country; click HERE for Travel Warnings
Hotlink for 16 March to 23 March, 1997: The History Of Maps
This page is aimed at anyone, specialist or browser,
who is interested in maps and wants to find out more.
Site run by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian of The British Library.
Hotlink for 23 March to 30 March, 1997: Explore Tahiti
Visit Tahiti and Moorea and the other islands of French
Polynesia; maps, hotels, restaurants, attractions,
activities. Very comprehensive local site.
Hotlink for 30 March to 6 April, 1997: Explore
The Geography, People, History, Cultures, and Traditions
of Scotland. An extensive site, maintained by the University
of Edinburgh, with maps, tourism, food & drink, weather, more.
Hotlinks for 6 April to 13 April, 1997: Planet Earth Home Page
The Naval Ocean Systems Center Earth-Information Website.
A virtual library with, at present, 13 rooms, for exploring
Earth facts, countries, numbers, etc. Also searchable through
an imagemap and text-only versions. Incredibly comprehensive.
NOTE: SITE TERMINATED 5 September 97; no longer in compliance with
military requirements!
Hotlink for 13 April to 20 April, 1997: Internet Atlas and Timezone
A smart and very detailed gazetteer. Input any place name
(it understands several languages); it returns details about all
places with that name; if no places exist, it returns places with
similar names, or with the same first three letters.
Hotlink for 20 April to 27 April, 1997: MIT Name Server
A name-server with a more readable output than the one at
University of Michigan. Enter a city & state and get county,
latitude, longitude, and elevation; enter just a city name, and
get pertinent info on every US locality with that name.
Hotlink for 27 April to 4 May, 1997: Center For Earth Observation
Incredible source for information on Earth observation,
including on-the-fly maps of countries, weather, vegetation,
etc., and MPEG "flights" between selected points.
Also, useful and interesting links to other centers.
Hotlink for 4 May to 11 May, 1997: Los Alamos National Laboratory
A densely-packed and interesting site full of photos and movies.
Select "Views of the Solar System" to see the full index of JPL,
NASA, and other photos; select "AVI & Quicktime Movies"
for film options.
Hotlink for 11 May to 18 May, 1997: The Saint Petersburg Times
The English version of the St. Petersburg, Russia, newspaper.
An excellent site for Russian news and the Russian point of view.
Also, some English-language points of view about living in
modern Russia (restaurant reviews critique menu translations, etc.)
Hotlink for 18 May to 25 May, 1997: Roadside America
It started as a book -- now it's two or more books.
This site chronicles tourist attractions throughout the continental
United States -- from the gaudiest mermaid spring to the most
unsung monument to a heroic dead pet. And everything in between!
Great fun, remarkable photos, some commercial content.
Hotlink for 25 May to 1 June, 1997: The British Monarchy
The official web site of the British Royal family. Information on
the accension, coronation and lines of succession for the throne,
the interests, awards, titles, and favorite charities of family
members, and a typical day in the life of the Queen.
The site is discreet, but very interesting and informative.
Hotlink for 1 June to 8 June, 1997: Baltic Sea Resources
BALLERINA is designed to guide users to a broad spectrum of
information resources on environmental, natural resource, and
sustainable development issues in the Baltic Sea Region.
Events, education, chat, agreements & conventions, etc.
Site located in Stockholm, but covers all 14 Baltic countries.
Hotlink for 8 June to 15 June, 1997: The Magellan
Not a geographic site, but a truly wondrous internet site.
See how people are *really* using the web. This little CGI-script
updates itself every 15 seconds, reporting back 12 randomly selected
Magellan search-engine searches that are going on at the very moment
that you are connected.
Hotlink for 15 June to 22 June, 1997: Universal Currency Converter
Convert *from* any currency *into* any currency.
You can access this converter in three different languages,
including English, Spanish and Swedish. There is a mailing list you
can subscribe to here as well, for daily exchange rates and currency
Hotlink for 22 June to 29 June, 1997: US Naval Observatory Time
An unbelievably thorough time/astronomical event site.
All sorts of computer time services, including Satellite Time
Transfers, Loran Timescale Monitoring, Sun/Moon Rise/Set & Phases,
Leap Seconds, Clocks of the Future, Telephone time, Precise Time and
Time Interval, Job vacancies, Guestbook, History of USNO Timekeeping,
World Time Zones, Frequently Asked Questions, Comet Hale-Bopp images,
and Links to other cool places
Hotlink for 29 June to 6 July, 1997: City Net
City Net is a collection of links to global information. Pick a
region of the world, then pick general information for the whole
region, or information on countries or cities within the region.
Links to CDC, State Department, plus regional, national, and local
information sites.
Hotlink for 06 July to 13 July, 1997: Hurricane Hunters Home Page
The Home Page for the Hurricane Hunter Squadron, who fly into
tropical storms to collect information. The best part of this site
is the Cyber Flight, a virtual flight with the Hurricane Hunters,
from the pre-flight briefing to the end of the mission.
Hotlink for 13 July to 20 July, 1997: State Department Index Page
Everything the US State Department does or knows, with only a few
exceptions, is somewhere on this site. The travel section has
very helpful information on countries and regions, but also check
out Global Issues, International Policy, and other topics.
Hotlink for 20 July to 27 July, 1997: Cross-Language Translator
Typical useful words & phrases in 47 languages, from Arabic and
Afrikaans to Ukrainian & Zulu. Choose the language you speak and
then the one you wish to learn; then select from basic words,
numbers, shopping and dining, travel, directions, places, times and
dates. If you can play .au files, you can hear the words spoken.
Also has links for alphabets, and other useful resources.
Hotlink for 27 July to 3 August, 1997: The Green Map Site
This interesting site has "green" maps of numerous world cities,
showing parks, bikeways, walking routes, sites of ecological
importance, etc. The also have access to "other services and
products for ecological stewardship".
Hotlink for 3 August to 10 August, 1997: Atlas
Of Cyberspaces
A virtual atlas of maps and graphic representations of the
geographies of the new electronic territories of the Internet,
WWW and other emerging Cyberspaces. The Atlas is divided into five
classes of cybermaps: conceptual maps; geographic maps; topology
maps; information maps; information landscapes.
Hotlink for 10 August to 17 August, 1997: Outline Maps For
Classroom Use
Houghton-Mifflin maintains this collection of outline maps of
the world and of world regions; some maps are available as
political or physical, most have updated national boundaries.
Maps are downloadable and reproducible for classroom use.
Hotlink for 17 August to 24 August, 1997: Russian Information Page
This is a very complete source of information on things Cyrillic,
Russian, and even Soviet. Get expert advice and tools you need
to add Cyrillic fonts, etc. You will also find valuable travel, visa,
and immigration information. This is a large, well organized, and
useful site, with many links; note that many of the pages are in
Russian, particularly the funny collection of Russian/Soviet humor.
Hotlink for 24 August to 31 August, 1997: Audubon Migration Page
Migrations -- seasonal movements of wildlife from one part of the
planet to the other -- are among the most miraculous and mysterious
of natural phenomena. In late November '96, 10 Snow Geese were tagged
with lightweight satellite radios by the U.S. Geological Survey.
When the geese started their journey north to their nesting grounds
in the western Canadian Arctic, the radios, which weigh less than 50
grams, sent frequent signals to weather satellites. The data from
those satellites has been turned into tracking data that's displayed
on these pages.
Three Hotlinks for 31 August to 7 September, 1997:
Danish Tourist
Board Home Page
Official Home Page
Three very interesting and pleasant tourism pages. Find travel tips,
"What to do" suggestions, Places to go and things to see, as well as
calendars of events, hotel information, and useful links.
Hotlink for 7 September to 14 September, 1997:
Transactions of the Institute of
British Geographers
The electronic Transactions web site offers free access to copies
of journal articles, book reviews, exchange and comment, pre-prints
of forthcoming papers, an index to past issues, and a comprehensive
help page. Also, see links to "sponsors and endorsements".
Hotlink for 14 September to 21 September, 1997:
Bird-Eye Maps from The Library of Congress
19th and early 20th century panoramic maps, also known as birds-eye
view maps. At present, over forty city maps are available from five
states, with additional maps scheduled to be added over time. Maps
are arranged by geography, subject (place), and keyword (place or
creator). Users can change the window size of the image and zoom in
or out anywhere on the map, allowing for detailed views.
Note that heavy traffic at LOC site restricts availability at times.
Hotlink for 21 September to 28 September, 1997:
1895 Rand-McNally
State Maps
Ray Sterner of Johns Hopkins University has relaunched his Color
Landform Atlas of the United States. The highlight of this relaunch
is the availability of 1895 Rand McNally state maps (for twenty-nine
states at present). These maps are very large (usually over
one megabyte) and detailed; counties are color-coded and railroad
lines rather than roads are shown.
Hotlink for 28 September to 5 October, 1997:
Massachusetts Electronic Atlas
The Harvard University Map Library has many resources at its web
site, this Electronic Atlas of Massachusetts is one of the most
interesting; a really effective use of GIS on the web, there are a
number of boundaries, and dozens of data files, and you can overlay
up to 15 files in the final map the site gives you.
Hotlink for 5 October to 12 October, 1997:
Travel Warnings
The U.S. State Department maintains this site as an archive of all
current Travel Warnings, Consular Information Sheets, etc. You'll
find a huge amount of cultural geography mixed in with all the other
details. A rich and very useful site for teachers.
Hotlink for 12 October to 19 October, 1997:
India Page
There are millions of India web sites -- corporate, travel, etc.
The finest ones are labors of love, like this one. His table of
contents is more comprehensive than most India sites are in their
entirety. News? Read The Hindu. Music? Try the "Geet Quiz".
Language help? Look for transliteration software and those hard to
find Punjabi Kurmukhi fonts. There are links by city, district, and
state, links to Bollywood, with its Bollyhunks, Bollydolls, and Bolly
chat, and you'll even find a good recipe for dal kofta curry.
Hotlinks for 19 October to 26 October, 1997:
Maximov Online
A good Mir background site which not only has news updates, it also
has interesting information about the design of the station, the
research conducted there, and its history.
Or Check out Mir News
A set of reports produced by Chris v.d. Berg out of the Netherlands.
He gets his info "by monitoring radio frequencies used by spacecraft,
tracking ships and Russian broadcast stations, and other sources".
If you're looking for Mir news that hasn't passed through the hands
of the spin doctors, this is your best source for detailed and
sometimes quite technical information.
Hotlink for 26 October to 2 November, 1997:
A NASA photo site. As the site says: "Discover the cosmos! Each day
a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is
featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional
astronomer." Not only will you find dazzling pictures, but you can
also find a nnumber of very interesting links. Also, there is
a Glossary which changes on a daily basis.
The site also contains an Archive that
goes back to June of '95.
The archive not only preserves the pictures, but also maintains the
Hotlink for 2 November to 9 November, 1997:
Interesting Servers
This is the "interesting servers" page at NASA's geostationary
earth-orbiting satellite site; this is a phenomenal list of
"interesting" servers -- photos of the earth and of weather, weather
servers of all kinds, all the satellites available on the web, etc.
Hotlink for 9 November to 16 November, 1997:
"Adventure Online"
A site that compiles opportunities for interactive learning
on-line; you can link to expeditions in Greenland, Nepal, and many
other places, or search their Archives for older serches. I'm not
sure whether they have a commercial connection to any of the
activities, but it doesn't appear so.
Hotlink for 16 November to 23 November, 1997:
Educational Enhancements
A Canadian Company with a remarkable web site. There is
a section of links to Canadian resources, then a section
of links for teaching geography (including "Geography On
Television"), and then teacher-to-teacher resources. Well
worth a visit.
Hotlink for 23 November to 30 November, 1997:
Today's Space Weather
A page maintained by the Space Environment Center. Complete with a
Sun Cam (and a daily photo of the sun), the Space Weather Outlook,
the X-Ray Flux, and the Satellite Environment Plot, the site is
geared to astronomy folks, but it's still an amusing read for normal
Hotlinks for 30 November to 7 December, 1997:
World Factbook
Yahoo Countries Index
Citynet Country Information
An assortment of country "factbook" pages for various uses;
some are simple compilations of facts, others include useful
links to sites in OR about the countries. These are not the
only such sites on the www, but are among the most used and
best informed.
Hotlinks for 7 December to 14 December, 1997:
The Nunavut Handbook
Nunavut Planning Commission
Two sources of information on Canada's new Territory, Nunavut.
The Commission site has the Land Claim Overview, Government
and Economics; the handbook is full of local color -- the people,
the culture, the wildlife, the land. For even more information, try The Nunatsiaq News
Hotlinks for 14 December to 21 December, 1997:
Northeast & Islands Ed Lab
Appalachia Ed Lab
Mid-Atlantic Lab
Mid-Continent Lab
North Central Lab
Pacific Resources Lab
Research For Better Schools
Southwest Lab
Southeast Regional Lab
For more than 30 years, there have been 10 federally supported
Regional Education Laboratories across the US. Each serves a
distinct region, but all ten sites have useful resources and links.
Hotlink for 21 December to 28 December, 1997:
Mapping The Human Genome
Not Geography, exactly, but definitely an important type of mapping.
Lots of work has been done recently on human genetics, most notably
the human genome project. The human genome project will hopefully
map out most, if not all of the human genes, giving us a blueprint of
how the human body is made and controlled. This site, maintained by
the National Institutes of Health shows you the genes currently known
by chromosome. You can click on, say chromosome 5 and find that it
holds the DTD gene, which causes diastrophic dysplasia, caused by
mutations in a gene encoding a sulfate transport protein. Some of
this stuff is very arcane, but it is very interesting, and something
which will become talked about more and more as we reach the turn of
the century.
Hotlink for 28 December, 1997 to 4 January, 1998:
Labyrinth Medieval
Studies Library
The Labyrinth Library at Georgetown has an unusual collection of
links to the cultures of Byzantium, England (1066-1500), France,
Germany, Iberia, Italy, and Scandinavia, as well as Anglo-Saxon and
Celtic cultures. Among the neat links on the site there are pointers
to engines where you can list all of the WWW servers in France (or
Germany, etc...). If you are looking for a particular service
provider or just want to do a little web surfing "overseas", this is
a great place to get started
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