Note: links (over 500) are not maintained and may not work.
2013 -
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
- Hot Link For 31 December 95 to 6 January 96:The
Subway Map Server
Enter any city that has public transportation
Get a map, or text-based forms, to show routes, stops, and more
- Hot Link For 7 January to 13 January:The Xerox PARC
Interactive World Map from Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Not Much Fun Unless You're Using a Gaphical Browser
- Hot Link For 14 January to 20 January:The AT&T 800-Number Server
The A.T. & T. 800 Directory
Doesn't Have Every 800 Number, But A Lot of Them
- Hot Link For 21 January to 27 January:The "How Far Is It" Server
Enter Two Places, Find Out How Far Apart They Are
Also, see link to information & maps about Bali.
- Hot Link For 28 January to 3 February:The Population Reference Bureau
Be Sure To Check Out The World Population Data Sheet Section
- Hot Link for 4 February to 10 February:The Virtual
Reference Desk
Government Documents, reference & phone books,
maps and travelinformation, zip & country codes, etc.
- Hot Link for 11 February to 17 February:Univ. of Utrecht Geog.
A truly great source of links to geography sites worldwide.
- Hot Link for 18 February to 25 February: St. Olaf College Resources
Links to US State Dept., Virtual Tourist, Weather &
Geography, Classroom Connection, and more
- Hot Link for 25 February to March 3: Global Embassies
and Consulates
Links to international embassies and consular
offices in this country and worldwide
- Hot Link for 3 March to 10 March: Microsoft's Route Planner
Amazing Road Map and Route Server
With many links to travel and geography information
- Hot Link for 10 March to 17 March: DeLorme Map Company
Commercial Site With Plenty of Fun Activities and Links
See 'Maps In The News', 'Tips 'n Tricks', etc.
- Hot Link for 17 March to 24 March: The Weather Channel
Commercial Site; Current Weather Around the USA
Other Fun Information and Interesting Global Links
- Hot Link for 24 March to 31 March: WorldNet Africa
Southern Africa Service Provider Includes Links To Area
Maps, Tourism, Culture, Commerce, Route Information, etc.
- Hot Link for 31 March to 7 April: Live Camera Links
Resource Page with links to dozens of live city views,
And Live Cameras Domestic and Foreign, even fish and trains.
- Hot Link for 7 April to 14 April: Mt. Everest Summit Effort
Satellite-linked site, set up by an Everest climbing team.
Send and receive e-mail, get news and photos as they climb.
- Hot Link for 14 April to 21 April: Pathfinder Travel Index
An extensive index of global information and links,
Including travel, Zagat surveys, maps, airline links
- Hot Link for 21 April to 28 April: USA Today
Weather Index
Global and Domestic Weather, Areas for Teachers, Etc.
Scan up to see other topics in the USA Today Index
- Hot Link for 28 April to 12 May: Infohub WWW Travel Guide
Virtual Travel, Adventure, Transport, Aid, Accomodation
"The most comprehensive travel guide on the Web"
- Hotlink for 12 May to 19 May: Airlines On The Web
Master Index to Airlines, Airline Home Pages,
Schedules, Airport Information, Etc.
- Hotlink for 19 May to 26 May: Sunrise/Sunset
Enter airport codes or names, city names, or Lat /Long
Returns a table with Twilight, Sunrise & Sunset, & other data
- Hotlink for 26 May to 2 June: The CTI Centre For Geography, Geology, and Meteorology
British Site With Information and Links
Related to Many Areas of Geographic Interest
- Hotlink for 2 June to 9 June: NeWo Global News Server
News of worldwide regions or countries and many links
Click on a world map or select from a list
- Hotlink #1 for 9 June to 16 June: World Time Site
- Hotlink #2 for 9 June to 16 June: Another
World Time Site
Time zone maps and other related global information
Maps work best with a graphical browser (Netscape,etc.)
- Hotlink for 16 June to 23 June: Demographic Data Viewer
Select small or large regions and demographic data sets
Map image created on the fly for each query
- Also see SEDAC home page
- Hotlink for 23 June to 30 June: The Geography of Cyberspace
A site in Wales that explores the geographical aspects
of Cyberspace, with links to all sorts of maps and
visualizations, data about net usage, etc.
- Hotlink for 30 June to 7 July: Languages Of The World
A comprehensive site for language-related resources;
Language lessons, translation resources, and
all sorts of interesting links.
- Hotlink for 7 July to 14 July: The Great Globe Site
A site in Poland devoted to maps and globes;
Samples of 20 or more projections, neat graphics,
all sorts of interesting images and lessons
- Hotlink for 14 July to 21 July: The Hong Kong Update Site
An Australian site that will keep you updated
on everything related to Hong Kong's reversion
to China in a year; also has GREAT links.
If this link is down, try Hong Kong's Lily Wong Site
Or the HK
Stock Index Page
- Hotlink for 21 July to 28 July: World Population Figures
A site in the Netherlands that contains
updated information on world population,
by country, region, and world.
- Hotlink for 28 July to 4 August: Arab Nations Web Site
Comprehensive site for information about the
Arab Nations; data on countries, links to other
Internet and Web resources.
- Hotlink for 4 August to 11 August: The "Travlang" Web Site
A comprehensive travel site. Emphasis is on
languages, but links and resources to countries,
companies, destinations, people.
- Hotlink for 11 August to 18 August: "Where The Wild Things Are"
The Librarians' Reference Site at St. Ambrose Univ.
See especially the link called "reference desk" --
great links to all kinds of information.
- Hotlink for 18 August to 25 August: List Of Russian Web Servers
A list, by city, of web servers in Russia.
Universities, city sites, museums and galleries,
scientific sites, and much more.
- Hotlink for 25 August to 1 September: Weather-Links Page
The most comprehensive weather-related page
on the World Wide Web. Over 800 sites linked.
Maps, data, forecasts, history, more.
- Hotlink for 1 September to 8 September: THe Global Cheese Page
The most comprehensive cheese-related page on the World Wide Web.
Cheese of the World sorted by country, links to global sites,
Cheese literature, vegetarian issues, etc.
- Hotlink for 8 September to 15 September: The US Naval Observatory's Time Page
Accurate Clocks, a system for setting your own system clock,
Sun & Moon Rise & set times, GPS information and data on the
GPS satellites, plus links to all sorts of time-related stuff.
- Hotlink for 15 September to 22 September: The Free Burma Page
Campaign material, index to organizations involved,
copies of relevant American legislation,
and special information on Aung San Suu Kyi.
Or try Alternate Site
- Hotlink for 22 September to 29 September: World Resources Institute
Lesson plans, graphs, maps, data, and links
on current environmental topics such as biological diversity,
climate change, deforestation, and urban environmental issues.
- Hotlink for 29 September to 6 October: Univ. of Texas Map Library
An incredibly extensive library of downloadable maps.
Includes country and regional maps, samples of a variety
of projections, information on government map sources, and more.
- Hotlink for 6 October to 13 October: NCGE Home Page
Home Site for the National Council for Geographic Education
Includes information on NCGE's mission and activities, plus
links to many sites pertinent to Geography and Education.
- Hotlink for 13 October to 20 October: Space Calendar
Month-by-month and subject-based calendars
of events in space, and earth-bound events
related to space and space issues
- Hotlink for 20 October to 27 October: Mid-Continent Regional Education Lab
The Lab does amazing work in many areas;
This link will take you directly to their
page of Geography links. Very extensive.
- Hotlink for 27 October to 3 November: The Peace Corps
The Main Peace Corps Site -- Lots of Info.
Select 'countries' for menus and pages of great
detail about individual Peace Corps Countries
- Hotlink for 03 November to 10 November: Map Blast
A very powerful site.
Specify a location, by address, zip, whatever.
Within seconds, you have a detailed map
Change the scale, email the map, etc...
- Hotlink for 10 November to 24 November: AfricaNews Great Lakes Site
Current news on the Great Lakes crisis, updated daily.
Also see Main AfricaNews Site
Also see Reliefweb, including
Reuters, VOA, PANA, AFP
- Hotlink for 24 November to 01 December: Ancient Civilizations Index
From Yahoo:Internet Life Magazine
Links To Sites About Ancient Places, People, Lives, Cultures
- Hotlink for 01 December to 08 December: Country Data Base Search
Select from a wide variety of data and search for countries
that match desired size, population, density, rainfall, etc...
Very interesting, fun and easy to use.
Example: how many countries are there with population under 50,000?
- Hotlink for 08 December to 15 December: Oddens's Bookmarks
A site in the Netherlands with links to geographic and cartographic
sources all over the world. Maintained by Roelof P. Oddens, the
Map Curator for Utrecht University's Geography Faculty.
Includes data and boundary sites, time sites, and many reference
sites of all kinds.
- Hotlink for 15 December to 22 December: The Galileo Project
A hypertext source of information on the life and work of
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and the science of his time.
Site located at Rice University.
Pictures, diagrams, maps of the time, and timelines.
- Hotlink for 22 December to 29 December: The World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute presents environmental graphs and
maps, to illustrate global environmental trends.
- Hotlinks for 29 December 96 to 5 January 97: Links to all NASA's
Educational Sites.
A long, detailed list of links. Lots of maps & photos.
2013 -
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
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