2013 -
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996
Note: links (over 500) are not maintained and may not work.
- Hotlink for 2 to 9 January, 2000
Reference Desk
Research-It is one of the most powerful Resource, Research, and
Reference sites. Besides information of their own, they also act as a
portal to other research and reference sites. Among things you can do
here: look up English words, look words up in a rhyming dictionary, a law
dictionary, a quotation dictionary, a biographical dictionary, a computer
dictionary, an anagram dictionary, an acronym dictionary, and a rhyming
dictionary; translate words to or from English, French, Danish, Spanish,
Swedish, German, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Czech,
Slovenian, Romanian, Latvian, Serbian, Croatian, Polish, Greek, Chinese,
Japanese, Latin and more; look up census data and maps of an US city, or
create on-the-fly maps of US or World cities; convert global currencies;
find ticker symbols and stock quotes; track packages; and much, much more.
- Hotlink for 9 to 16 January, 2000
PBS Teacher Source -- Geography
One small section of the vast PBS site, the area called Teacher
Source provides resources for teachers; this is the Middle School
Geography Section of that area -- but you can easily navigate to other
areas of Teacher Source, or the rest of the PBS site, using navigation
tools that appear on every page. Most of the links are to documents and
pages elsewhere on the PBS site, but there is a great wealth of material
here, and it is definitely worth a visit.
- Hotlink for 16 to 23 January, 2000
Bibliotheque Nationale
de France /
French National Library
An incredibly rich and multi-layered site, with resources related to
World and French history, geography, culture, literature, and much more.
Most of the site is in French, but is still easily navigable for
non-Francophones. Click here or
on the Union Jack to see the English version (under development). The
section on Charles V (1338-1380) has illuminated pages from the Catalan
Atlas and other manuscripts of the time. Bookmark this site!
- Hotlink for 23 to 30 January, 2000
Language Page
A bit Anglo-centric but very thorough and interesting site, devoted
to cross-translations of several words and phrases in different languages.
Includes "Hello" in over 500 languages, "Good Morning" in over 165
languages, and many others, including "Good Afternoon", "Good Evening",
"How Are You", "Please", "Thank You", and "I Don't Understand". One very
helpful feature is "Links To Other Sites", which links to hundreds
of language sites based on geographic regions.
- Hotlink for 30 January to 6 February, 2000
The Virtual Geography Department
From Their "QuickGuide" Page: The Virtual Geography Department is
"...a project to interlink the curricula of geography departments both
nationally and internationally using the Internet and World Wide Web." A
lot of useful resources, advice on getting started, lots of activities,
and links to participating geography departments.
- Hotlink for 6 to 13 February, 2000
Geography Jump Page
Pledger Consulting is an Australian company with an interest in
helping people learn to use the Web effectively. They have some products,
which you can see on their home page, but they also have several pages
they refer to as "jump pages", with a selection of interesting links to
resources. Besides Geography, there are jump pages for Asia Education,
Ancient Societies, Human Rights, Environmental Issues, and World
- Hotlink for 13 to 20 February, 2000
Views Of The Solar
Views Of The Solar System presents NASA and other imagery, in a
thoughtful and easy-to-navigate structure, with a lot of background
information about each Solar System body, about discoveries and resources,
plus "educators' guides", animations, statistics, and lots more. There is
also a helpful section with brief biographies of important discoverers and
scientists, with links. Available with text in English, Spanish,
Portuguese, French, and German.
- Hotlink for 20 to 27 February, 2000
Starr Elementary School
This K-5 School in Starr, SC, has assembled a really wonderful
website. I've mentioned it once before, a couple of years ago, but the
site continues to get more extensive, more thoughtful, and easier to
navigate. In particular, examine the Geography Page, which sorts links by
their connections to the Standards, and includes a selection of links to
an amazing number of lesson plans.
- Hotlink for 27 February to 5 March, 2000
Lightning Explorer
A proprietary site that has one free page, this one. The page shows
US lightning strikes of the past 2 hours, in a color scheme that makes it
very easy to interpret, and to follow storms as they move from west to
east across the country. You can personalize some aspects of the map you
see, but for real personalization, you need to subscribe to one of the
higher levels of data, lightning observer or lightning advisor.
- Hotlink for 5 to 12 March, 2000
Virtual Field Trips
Nature field trips through the resources of the Web. Each field
trip covers a single topic such as salt marshes or volcanoes. Sites are
arranged in some order that builds a story and at each stop, an
explanation is given as well as the URL being visited. Every field trip
has a set of prepared documents that you can print out. Also included are
short teacher's guides and selected other Web sites that provide
background or curriculum guidance.
- Hotlink for 12 to 19 March, 2000
William Gedney's Photographs
Photographic Journeys From the hippies in Haight-Ashbury to the
sacred rituals of Hindu worshippers, the diverse subjects of William
Gedney's photographic lens live on digitally, thanks to this project of
Duke University's Digital Scriptorium.
- Hotlink for 19 to 26 March, 2000
Remote Sensing Lab at JHU
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab maintains this site, and
it has some wonderful geographic information available. Among the most
applicable for school purposes: Hurricane Track Maps and Satellite
Images, which go back several years and are available in different
formats, and the Color Landform
Atlas of the US, which gives you color landform maps of each of the
states, plus a large number of US links and links for each state.
- Hotlink for 26 March to 2 April, 2000
Texas Education Network
An interesting collection of resources and links for educators; look
carefully through Classroom Resources and Curricula, especially The Hall of Geography.
- Hotlink for 2 to 9 April, 2000
The Maps Of India Site
There are thousands of sites with information about India; this is a
good place to start. Yes, they have maps of India -- Political Maps,
Infrastructure, Tourism, Transport, plus State and Union Territory maps.
But they also have "utilities" -- highway searches, distance charts, and
all sorts of links to State information.
- Hotlink for 9 to 16 April, 2000
"Liens Utiles Pour Tous" -- Useful Places For Everyone
A Belgian site, in French, run by Francois Pecheux. This is a
marvelous collection of links, exceptionally well structured for easy
navigation. The top categories range from friend-to-friend sites, to
nature, to satellite views, to news, to a section called "sites
incontournables", which in English is something like "unavoidable sites"
and includes all the major sites on the Web. Geography is well
represented in the "Statistiques" section; give yourself time for a long,
leisurely look around.
- Hotlink for 16 to 23 April, 2000
Geography Of The Middle East
A site located at a School of Education in Israel, this page has a
wide selection of present and historical maps and other geographical
information. Besides maps, other topics include: General Information,
Links to Newspapers and Magazines, Economy, Development, Regional
Geography, Middle East From Space, Geology, Political Geography, and Water
Issues. Also, check their top Geography Page for lots of other regions and topics.
- Hotlink for 23 to 30 April, 2000
NASA's Shuttle Homepage
The main homepage for NASA's Spaceflight efforts; you can read about
past, present, and future missions, including the space station and other
efforts. Select STS-99 Photos to see selected Earth Images from STS-99's mission in
February of 2000.
- Hotlink for 30 April to 6 May, 2000
Global Incident
Analysis Center
Not "geography" exactly, but a site with some geographic basis and
extensions; this site has become better known since the DDoS (Distributed
Denial of Service) attacks on various major websites a few weeks ago. The
mission of GIAC is to provide up-to-date reports of malicious activity on
the net submitted by the international community of system administrators
and intrusion detection analysts. They log detects of intrusions, odd log
file entries, encryption failures, or other security related information.
Be sure to note the weekly digest of patches and summaries of traces, the
monthly digest of new security holes, patches, and other administrative
imperatives, and the weekly digest of the 25 top news stories.
- Hotlink for 7 to 14 May, 2000
Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas
During the winter of 1995-6, the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City,
Missouri, put on a remarkable exhibition of the history of celestial
cartography. This is the electronic catalog of that exhibit; you can
follow the catalog page by page, or navigate through index pages and the
table of contents directly to topics of interest. The remarkable imagery
from the ancient catalogs is reproduced here brilliantly.
- Hotlink for 14 to 21 May, 2000
The Canadian National
Atlas Schoolnet Page
Through the office of Natural Resources Canada, this page takes
advantage of the data of the Canadian National Atlas to provide
"interactive learning about Canada and its geography". Options include a
powerful "make a map" page, information on goegraphical names, facts about
Canada and Canadian issues, an interactive quiz, and resources for
- Hotlink for 21 to 28 May, 2000
Governments On The WWW
Gunnar Anzinger, at GKSoftware in Munich maintains this page; it is a
remarkable resource. One of the most comprehensive collections available
of links to Government information on the web -- parliaments, ministries,
courts, embassies, etc for over 220 countries and territories. Best of
all, he corrrects and updates the page regularly.
- Hotlink for 28 May to 4 June, 2000
A Web Of On-line Dictionaries
Links to internet resources and dictionaries for over three hundred
languages, from Amharic to Xhosa, plus links to multi-lingual
dictionaries, a Thesaurus link page, language identifiers, grammars, and
even a section of "linguistic fun". A lot of work went into compiling
these links; a very useful resource.
- Hotlink for 4 to 11 June, 2000
Perseus Project
The Perseus Project at Tufts is a huge effort to bring together Web
resources on the Archaic World, from Sicily to Mesopotamia, with a heavy
emphasis on Greece. Their atlas is a powerful interactive tool; on a map
of Europe, Asia, and Africa, you can overlay modern political features and
names, and plot locations of hundreds of ancient places. You can zoom in
or out for more detail, and as you zoom in, additional topographic
features become available. Be sure to use the tabs at the top of the page
to have a good look at the whole Perseus site.
- Hotlink for 11 to 18 June, 2000
Fourmilab Earth Viewer
A playful, fascinating, and altogether remarkable site maintained by
John Walker, founder of Autodesk, Inc, and co-author of AutoCAD. The link
here is for the Earth Viewer, in which you can generate exactly the Earth
image you wish, from wherever you wish. For example, what does the Earth
look like right now, from the Moon! Once you have constructed the image,
you can pan around inside it. Be sure to use the backlink to see all the other
viewers, topics, and links.
- Hotlink for 18 to 25 June, 2000
Between Friends / Entre Amis
To celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of the
United States of America in 1976, the National Film Board of Canada
commissioned a special photographic study. A team of thirty-two
photographers was asked to document the people and the land of the United
States-Canada border. The book was published in a spectacular limited
edition, and is a very popular book in Rare Book sites and auction houses
because of the hundreds of gorgeous photos of the border. The "Humanities
Interactive" project of the Texas Humanities Resource Center has scanned
the photos, and presents them here with two navigational structures,
either following the outline, or selecting photos from a thumbnail
- Hotlink for 25 June to 2 July, 2000
African Voices
From the National Museum of Natural History, at the Smithsonian
Institute. This site explores Africa -- the land and people. The
"History" section provides an interactive timeline, beginning with the
rise of humans in the Rift Valley, ending with "today"; the "Themes"
section looks at Wealth, Markets, Work, Life, Global Africa, and the Kongo
People; "Focus Gallery" at the moment reviews the work of Yoruba sculptor
Lamidi Olonade Fakeye; and the "Learning Center" offers a bibliography
and a rich collection of hyperlinks. For best viewing, you'll need Flash
or Quicktime.
- Hotlink for 2 to 9 July, 2000
The Cave Of Lascaux
From the Ministry of Culture in France, this site lets you take a
virtual tour of the Palaeolithic wall paintings in the caves of Lascaux.
You can take a vitual tour to explore the caves, learn more about the
images in the paintings, and discover the materials used by the artists
15,000 years ago. This website is available in English, French, Spanish,
and German. You can follow this backlink to see the other archaeology sites the
Ministry of Culture has websites about.
- Hotlink for 9 to 16 July, 2000
The ABC of the European Union
The European Union sponsors this site, which is available in the
languages of all 15 present members. It explains all the basics -- the
history of the EU, the key issues, the institutions, the treaties, and the
objectives of the Union. There are also hyperlinks to European
Governments on line, and to "Other Sources of Information". You can also
click back to the EU Main Server for all sorts of other
- Hotlink for 16 to 23 July, 2000
The official guide to Greenland. More than 1400 pages about
Greenland, with many special features, such as Greenland This Month,
Outdoor Life, News, How To Get To Greenland, Animal Life, Culture and
History, and more. The section called Towns
& Regions has regional maps, and detailed hiking and tourism
- Hotlink for 23 to 30 July, 2000
FLTeach Resource Pages
The FLTeach site has been around for 6 years or more; the folks who
manage the site, which is located at the State Univ. of NY at Cortland,
have put together a marvelous site on methods in language teaching,
covering pre-service training, classroom activities, curriculum, and more.
This resource page lists resources, and also leads you to other
collections of resources. A valuable site for anyone with an interest in
languages and language instruction.
- Hotlink for 30 July to 6 August, 2000
US State Department Travel Warnings
This has been posted as a hotlink before, but it's a useful site to
keep in mind. The US State Department is charged, among other things,
with keeping US citizens informed about world conditions. This page
provides three of the methods they use -- travel warnings, public
announcements, and the standard consular information sheets. Whether
you're traveling to Djibouti or elsewhere, or just want to learn about
your destination, this page has useful information. For all possible
background and regional information, it's also a good idea to check the US State Department
Regions Page. For another point of view, you may also want to check The UK Foreign and Commonwealth
Office Travel Page.
- Hotlink for 6 to 13 August, 2000
FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center
Want to know if your flight from Newark to Kansas City will be
delayed because of storms or other problems, and you can't get through to
your airline? Try this page. This is the FAA's Real-time Airport Status
page; click on an airport, and see destination-specific delays ("flights
to BWI are delayed because of ground problems at destination"), or see
general departure or arrival delays ("departing raffic is experiencing
Gate Hold and Taxi delays of less than XX minutes in length"). This site
is worth exploring, as it has a remarkable collection of information; for
example, at Operation Information
Page you can read about reasons for delays, expected deicing and other
status problems, plus all the current notices regarding airport runway
closures, gps anomalies, and more.
- Hotlink for 13 to 20 August, 2000
Hubble Space Telescope photos
This is where the Space Telescope Science Institute posts noteworthy
Hubble photos. The 1994 photos of comet Shoemaker-Levy smashing into
Jupiter are here, as are pictures of weirdly deformed galaxies resulting
from collisions, and the hearts of colorful nebulae. Check out the Index Page for
other photos, plus movies and animations, interactive activitites for
K-12, and more.
- Hotlink for 20 to 27 August, 2000
The Asia
A national non-profit, non-partisan organization, The Asia Society
has as its mission the building of US awareness of the more than 30
countries broadly defined as the Asia-Pacific Region, from East Asia to
Iran, plus Australasia and the Pacific Islands. Their web presence is
three-fold: this site, plus http://www.asiasource.org which features news, country profiles, and
special reports, and http://www.askasia.org.
- Hotlink for 27 August to 3 September, 2000
Cartographic Images
Henry Davis Consulting in California sponsors this site, which is a
collection of maps, and links to maps, that span the history of
cartography. There are many remarkable images here, including
Mesopotamian City plans, Homeric views of the Earth, Medieval and
Renaissance Maps, and more. One image that most people find to be a real
eye-opener is the Time
Chart of Ancient Cartography from Raisz's famous text, General
- Hotlinks for 3 to 10 September, 2000
- Avis Route
- DeLorme Maps
and Routes
- Freetrip Route Planner
- MapQuest Maps and Routes
- MapBlast Maps and Routes
- MapsOnUs Maps and Routes
- Marriott
Route Planner
- Euroshell
Europe Route Planner
- Michelin Travel
All of these sites will give you maps on demand, in particular Route
Maps between two points. Each one has its particular anomalies, and some
work better than others. The two at the bottom of the list are for
European routes, the others for US or North American routes. For me, the
most surprising aspect is that when I requested a route map from Belmont,
MA to Seaside Park, NJ, each of the domestic map servers gave me different
routes and maps -- some slightly different from others, some vastly
different, with distances ranging from 280 to 320 miles.
- Hotlink for 10 to 17 September, 2000
A site at UC Berkeley, KidsClick is a search engine for kids by
librarians. You can browse by subject, either using their categories or
searching by first letter, or you can input search terms. It's not
filtered, but it is relatively safe because it points users towards
appropriate and safe sites for children. A related page that is
particularly interesting is at Worlds Of Searching, a page
created by the Ramapo Catskill Library which explains how to use
KidsClick! most effectively.
- Hotlink for 17 to 24 September, 2000
The Geography Hub
This new site, designed by students and located at the University of
Victoria in British Columbia, was intended first to be an index of
geographers and their work world-wide. The list is long, and growing.
Also useful is the links page, which is a catalog of cross-linked sites.
There is also a java-based chat room, for live chats with other users. The
site has a few hiccups, but it is growing and will improve.
- Hotlink for 24 September to 1 October, 2000
British Museum Ancient Egypt Page
The British Museum has created a website dealing with many areas of
study of Ancient Egypt. Explore Egyptian Life, Geography, Gods &
Goddesses, Mummification, the Pharaohs, the Pyramids, Temples, Trades,
Writing, and Time. Shockwave activities are included for each area of
study. Check out the Staff area for a complete glossary and descriptions
of resources.
- Hotlink for 1 to 8 October, 2000
Canada's Aquatic Environments
From the University of Guelph, this site offers viewers a look at the
locations, the habitats, the animals and plants, and the human
interactions affecting Canada's vast and complex aquatic environments.
Click on habitats, for example, and you can learn about Canada's Lakes,
Oceans, Rivers, and Wetlands. The site has many map resources; for
example, The
Lakes of Canada gives you a country map and list of Canada's largest
and most interesting lakes, with links to detailed maps and information
about each.
- Hotlink for 8 to 15 October, 2000
Space Shuttle Earth Observation Photography
Thousands of images of the Earth, shot from space by Astronauts. You
can search for images by clickable map or by categories such as cities,
landscapes, Earth-Human interactions, distinctive features, weather,
water, regions. All may be freely down-loaded in lo- and high-resolution
formats. SSEOP photography is shot by Space Shuttle Astronauts using
hand-held digital cameras. Part of each crew's pre-flight training
includes "Geography from Space."
- Hotlink for 15 to 22 October, 2000
Redefining Europe
BBC News Online is responsible
for this small section of the vast BBC web site. This particular section
allows the visitor to view the present and proposed membership of the EU,
click on interactive maps to learn facts and positions of each of the
members and applicants, and learn about the debate over the Euro, the EU's
single currency. If you work your way up the backlink, you'll get to BBC News World Page,
from which you can follow links to each of the regions of the world, and
to a variety of features.
- Hotlink for 22 to 29 October, 2000
Fablevision Studios is a company in Watertown, MA, committed to
creating "stories that matter, stories that move" in a variety of media,
for children and adults. A lot of the site is devoted to their business,
but the section called FableVision Place allows visitors to read fables,
listen to fables being told, read Peter Reynolds's "The North Star" in two
different versions, and generally explore and have fun safely. A rich,
rewarding, worthwhile site.
- Hotlink for 29 October to 5 November, 2000
HUD E-Maps
A service of the US Government's Office of Housing and Urban
Development, E-Maps provide information about HUD projects as well as
broad information about cities and neighborhoods. First, choose a
category -- from pollution super-sites, to General Purpose Maps, to census
information on populations, ethnicity, income, and housing; you can also
choose specific HUD project maps. Then, choose a specific map from within
the category. Finally, enter a location, which can be a specific street
address, a zip code, or a city and state, and click on "Make Map".
- Hotlink for 5 to 12 November, 2000
Casa de Joanna
A page designed as a portal for teachers and students of French and
Spanish. There are links to French and Spanish sites, including
thematically organized authentic links, there are links to French and
Spanish search engines, and there are activities, art links, and access to
professional organizations and journals.
- Hotlink for 12 to 19 November, 2000
Four sites about metric conversion in the US and the UK. The first
is simply a full exploration of British Weights and Measures; the second a
British association in opposition to conversion; the third site is a US
government site encouraging conversion; the final site a wide and deep
exploration of the case against metric measurement.
- Hotlink for 19 to 26 November, 2000
NASA's Solar and Heliospheric
"SOHO: The Solar & Heliospheric Observatory" provides an
uninterrupted view of the sun. It is designed to study some of the
most perplexing riddles about the sun, such as its extensive outer
atmosphere, the origin of the solar wind, & the stream of highly
ionized gas that blows continuously outward throughout our solar
system. The site offers lesson plans, never-before-seen pictures
of the sun, a question & answer service with Dr. SOHO, & collection
of space science information.
- Hotlink for 26 November to 3 December, 2000
The American Revolution & it's Era in Maps and Charts
From the Library of Congress, "The American Revolution & Its Era:
Maps & Charts of North America & the West Indies, 1750-1789" features more
than 2,000 items, many with distinct coloration & annotations. Compare
multiple editions, states, & impressions of several of the most important
maps of the period, follow the development of a particular map from the
manuscript sketch to the finished printed version & its foreign
derivatives, & examine the cartographic styles & techniques of surveyors &
mapmakers from 7 nations: Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Holland,
Italy, & the U.S.
- Hotlink for 3 to 10 December, 2000
The Arctic Theme Page
The Arctic Region is defined in a variety of ways; "everything North
of the Arctic Circle" doesn't include many northern lands and areas
considered Arctic. Another useful definition: "that area where the
average temperature for the warmest month is below 10 degrees Celsius".
Whatever your definition, this site, sponsored by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, will provide lots of useful and interesting
information -- reference maps, climate data, photographs, arctic animals,
and an education section with information on tracking the North Magnetic
Pole, understanding global change, and much more.
- Hotlink for 10 to 17 December, 2000
World Paper Money Homepage
A vast collection of images of banknotes -- over 3,500 notes, from
all over the world. As the webmaster, Ron Wise, says: "I believe I have
succeeded in providing at least one banknote example for all current
banknote producing countries (and a few that aren't around anymore)."
Includes a license for personal or educational use of the images.
- Hotlink for 17 to 24 December, 2000
Color The
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University has
several interesting sections in its online "Exhibit Hall"; this particular
exhibit asks you to color a world topographical map. The topography is
shown with 1,000 meter elevations, but can be easily changed to any
desired range, and participants can select from a palette of 100 colors
for each layer. There is a lot to learn here about topographic data and
how it can be effectively shown. Be sure also to look at The Exhibit Hall for
a complete list of all the exhibits available for exploration.
- Hotlink for 24 to 31 December, 2000
Language Center
Language teachers and learners will appreciate the resources gathered
on this page, the site of the The Language Center of the City College of
San Francisco. The section called "WWW Language Links" features resources
for many languages, including French, Greek, Chinese, Russian, Tagalog,
Japanese, German, Italian, ASL and Spanish, and a page called
"Multi-Language Links". Check out the French On-line Grammar Quiz and
other Web Exercises.
- Hotlink for 31 December, 2000 to 06 January, 2001
American Drought: A Paleo Perspective
A project of the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program, this site looks at
droughts and the effects of droughts over time -- short term, and very
long term. "This Web site was designed to explain how paleoclimatic data
can provide information about past droughts and about the natural
variability of drought over timescales of decades to millennia. We note
that droughts are a world wide phenomenon and affect the global community.
However, the focus of these Web pages is North America." Note especially
the incredible moving-map displays of the Dust Bowl drought of the 1930's,
and the more localized drought of the 1980's, found on the Drought
History Page.
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